Gameplay in Destiny 2

Guardian? Guardian? Eyes up, Guardian!

Destiny 2: Into The Light launches on April 9th with the reset. There will, according to legit sources, be a showcase before the reset.

I'm hoping some of my theories will see a correction or confirmation in the "campaign".

Hunters are LEADING

I just noticed something

When does the Stasis Hunter ever use the ice dagger they are holding in the subclass overview screen?

Anyone wanna hop on to an RoN first enc farm in around an hour or two?

Will do running, learned how to, just need someone for ad clear and Tormentor removal

Tag: ThatAncient2#3133

I FINALLY learned how to runner in RoN first enc
And I completed the encounter three times, twice flawless

That moment when you hit a headshot with Weighted Throwing Knife in Crucible from a long distance.

They call me the Sniper. For I hit 'em in the head when nothing else seems possible.

Reminder that Guardian Games starts next Tuesday, and my guys...

Hunters will have the guy on the worst PC ever in the playerbase, who plays whole day, so everyone, be on the lookout for me showing up and sniping with a knife

May the best class win

Here to celebrate TWO massive Ws (unknown if original message sent or not)

1: finally managed to navigate the Glykon and got Dead Man's Tale

2: got Haruspex title

"So if you take that and deposit it there it should begin."

Understandable have a nice day.

Some DSC Taniks, The Abomination encounter shitposting, the explaining guy forgor to say what happens when we deposit the N U K E S

Anyone wanna help me learn Presage today at like 7pm CET?

DM me on Discord, using my alt rn, tag is lazerstorm28 (I forgor my ingame tag so I'll say it on Discord when I'm in the game)